Book Recommendations

“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.”
― Emma Thompson

On living, philosophy: This is my absolute favorite book, and many clients like it, too! There are incredibly beautiful chapters in this book that answer life’s questions on friendship, love, children, and many other topics. Periodically, we’d read a chapter during session for inspiration.

On sexuality: The book addresses sexuality, with exercises on concepts, such as spontaneous and responsive desire as well as breaks and accelerators.

On parenting: The author includes wonderful communication tips, such as: What’s my most generous interpretation of what just happened?

On relationships: The authors created Imago Therapy and some of the exercises can be enlightened to see why you chose your partner.

On attachment, relationships: This resource helps you to examine your attachment style with a focus on  building relationship capital and becoming more secure in relationships.

On healing: This book contains short essays  help you heal.

On communication: Drawn from non-violent communication and mindfulness, this book offers an intentional and loving way to deepen connection.

On living: This guide presents four agreements to live by. Which  resonates most with you? Mine is, “Always Do your best.”

On emotional intelligence, parenting, communication: The author acknowledges that our parents may be emotionally immature and what we can do about it.

On the enneagram: The authors make the 9 numbers come alive, a relatable book to understand the enneagram.

On living, metaphysical: The journey of Santiago to find his personal legend. “When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.”

On love: The romantic in me really enjoy this book on love that cross lifetimes. Also talks about past-life regression.